Winter School
Contemporary methods in spatial statistics in R with applications to life and social sciences
PhD winter school co-organized by University of Pavia and USI
Due to the COVID 19 situation the winter school is postponed.
A reduced version is organized the 13 and 14 December exclusively online.
Prof. Paula Moraga
Prof. David Bolin
Prof. Håvard Rue
Dr. Elias Krainski
from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
DEC 13
Introduction to INLA (H. Rue)
An introduction to the SPDE approach (D. Bolin)
DEC 14
Generalized Bayesian Likelihood-Free Inference Using Scoring Rules Estimators (L. Pacchiardi)
Spatial Disease Modeling and Visualization using INLA and R (P. Moraga)
All the videos about lectures and useful materials can be found at the following link
Info and Registration
For info send an email to:
For registration, please complete the following form:
Links for the lessons will be sent by email to the registered participants.
Scientific Committee:
Silvia Figini (University of Pavia), Antonietta Mira (Data Science Lab - USI) and Håvard Rue (King
Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
Organizing Committee:
Chiara Bardelli, Elena Ballante, Raffaella Cabini (University of Pavia), Chiara Ghiringhelli (UNICATT and USI)